For applicants

Division of Experimental Immunology, Institute of Advanced Medical Sciences, University of Tokushima seeks applicants for the following positions:

1. Post-doctoral Fellows

Applicants for the JSPS post-doctoral fellowship with a recent Ph. D. or M. D. in immunology, molecular biology, developmental biology, and/or cell biology. Information on the JSPS fellowship can be found at the JSPS website.

2. Graduate Students

Applicants for the Monbukagakusho graduate school scholarship program. Information on the scholarships in Japan can be found at the JASSO website. Information on the graduate school at University of Tokushima is also available here.

Those who are interested in joining our laboratory should send their application including curriculum vitae with a list of publications and a brief statement appealing your eligibility and scientific interest to Dr. Ohigashi ( by an e-mail.

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Last update: 1st April 2018